Dr Shooter is one of the few orthopaedic surgeons with a subspeciality in oncology and receives referrals from Queensland and northern New South Wales. Orthopaedic oncology covers primary tumours of bone, cartilage and muscle arising in the limbs, pelvis and spine. Dr Shooter also treats metastatic tumours from other tissues or organs (e.g. breast or renal cancer), that lodge in these same areas; and some other types of soft tissue tumours, such as lipomas or desmoids, that can often be difficult to classify. Dr Shooter works closely with a number of public and private oncologists (medical and radiation) and pathologists across a range of hospitals to ensure that the appropriate care is given.

Learn more about:

Benign Tumours
Metastatic Disease
Malignant Tumours
Limb Salvage
Bone Cancer Surgery